My Mother

A compilation of inspirational stories written by sons and daughters and dedicated to Mothers around the World as a Global Tribute to all Mothers. A book that found its place in the Limca Book of Records.
ISBN: 1449963293 International Edition
Author & Compiler: Dan Verghese, U.S.A.
Edited and set for publishing by Prof. Dr. Christopher Thomas PhD , with input from 78 Co-Authors around the world
Foreword by: Prof. Dr. John M Toothman, U.S.A
A compilation of 79 anthologies written by Sons and Daughters from around the world, about their mothers. Billed as one of the world’s greatest tribute to mothers, the book made and attempt as an entry to the Guinness Book of World Records. Heart rendering stories of inspiration that the authors derived from their mothers, some who are no more.
Mothers hold a very unique place in each person’s heart.
The central theme that binds all those who co-authored this book, and all those who will read and appreciate its substance in spite of their geographical and cultural differences is ‘The Love for Mothers’.
the resilient message that goes out to all mothers through this book is – MOTHERS, WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.
An excellent book as a gift to your mothers on Mothers Day, or anytime around the year. A book that says ‘Where would I have been without you… My Mother’